
Piper Trail is cur­rent­ly full. Sign up for our wait­ing list.

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Don't wait! Claim your spot now.

Piper Trail Member Profile

Demand has been over­whelm­ing, and all of our cot­tages are cur­rent­ly tak­en. But an incred­i­ble life at Piper Trail can still be yours. 

Fill out the form below to get on our wait­ing list for the Midwest’s first true pock­et neigh­bor­hood” for active adults.

There’s no obligation…

Your wait­ing-list deposit is ful­ly refund­able at any time, and when you move to Piper Trail, it will be applied to your entrance fee. You won’t have to wor­ry if an open cot­tage doesn’t meet your pref­er­ences, because you’ll keep your spot on the list for the next one. By the way, if your needs should change before you move, we’ll give you pri­or­i­ty access to any oth­er Luther­an Life Vil­lages Community.

…And while you wait, join in the fun!

You’ll also be invit­ed to reg­u­lar events at the Piper Trail Club­house, so you can stay in the loop and get to know your future neighbors. 

Join the wait­ing list