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Jour­nal Gazette: Plan for hous­ing unveiled

February 03, 2019

Senior pock­et com­mu­ni­ty’ to be built on south­west side

Janet Pat­ter­son | Jour­nal Gazette | Feb­ru­ary 32019

When Judy Wendt fell and broke her femur two months ago, she wished she lived clos­er to Fort Wayne.

That wish will become real­i­ty when Wendt and her hus­band, Ted, move from War­saw into Piper Trail, the new pock­et neigh­bor­hood on Fort Wayne’s south­west side.

Designed by archi­tect Dodd Kattman of Fort Wayne’s MKM archi­tec­ture + design, Piper Trail is a new­er con­cept in active senior liv­ing from Luther­an Life Villages.

Read the full sto­ry at the Jour­nal Gazette


Join us and learn more about this inno­v­a­tive neighborhood

We’ve designed Piper Trail for vibrant and socia­ble peo­ple like you. Take a front row seat and dis­cov­er how Piper Trail can give you the lifestyle you want and deserve.

Tour Tues­day Open House

Every Tues­day from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Our pop­u­lar Tour Tues­day Open Hous­es have returned. Come check out our mod­el cot­tage home. No need to RSVP, just stop by.

You’ll be secure on your tour. We’re care­ful­ly fol­low­ing all social-dis­tanc­ing guide­lines. Bring your face masks, or we can pro­vide them on request.

Vir­tu­al tours are also avail­able: Take a real-time, guid­ed tour from the com­fort of your home. Call 2604320011 to learn more.