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Get a look inside Piper Trail’s mod­el cot­tage for week­ly Tour Tues­days open houses.

March 04, 2020

Ten months after break­ing ground, and with 19 of its planned 48 cot­tage-style homes already built, and res­i­dents mov­ing in, vis­i­tors to the inno­v­a­tive Piper Trail pock­et neigh­bor­hood in Fort Wayne can now drop by and explore a ful­ly fur­nished mod­el home dur­ing a Tour Tues­days week­ly open house from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

With eight dif­fer­ent open floor plans, rang­ing from 1,140 square feet to 1,676 square feet, Piper Trail homes are designed for the needs of active adults ages 55+ who are right-siz­ing” from a larg­er house or con­do. Although the cot­tages have small foot­prints, Piper Trail archi­tect Dodd Kattman’s savvy designs max­i­mize usable space. And with an open kitchen, vault­ed ceil­ing, cus­tom fin­ish­es and large front win­dows, these airy cot­tages offer a real sense of spaciousness. 

Each cot­tage fea­tures an open floor plan, plen­ty of nat­ur­al light, attached rear two-car garage, and some­thing that is sad­ly miss­ing from many of today’s homes: an invit­ing front porch where res­i­dents can sip their morn­ing cof­fee and neigh­bors can stop by for a chat.


Join us and learn more about this inno­v­a­tive neighborhood

We’ve designed Piper Trail for vibrant and socia­ble peo­ple like you. Take a front row seat and dis­cov­er how Piper Trail can give you the lifestyle you want and deserve.

Tour Tues­day Open House

Every Tues­day from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Our pop­u­lar Tour Tues­day Open Hous­es have returned. Come check out our mod­el cot­tage home. No need to RSVP, just stop by.

You’ll be secure on your tour. We’re care­ful­ly fol­low­ing all social-dis­tanc­ing guide­lines. Bring your face masks, or we can pro­vide them on request.

Vir­tu­al tours are also avail­able: Take a real-time, guid­ed tour from the com­fort of your home. Call 2604320011 to learn more.